Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Wabash Watershed

Introduction Climatic changes are as a consequence of both natural and man-made factors. Natural factors may relate to floods, epidemic, warming as well as rising in sea-level.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Wabash Watershed specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand artificial factors may concern pollution including the green-house emissions. In the above mentioned instance, diverse climatic aspects are considerably altered either seasonally or equally permanently. It ought to be noted that climatic variations are a major issue of concern. Both plant and animal life depends on the dynamics of climate to breed or survive. Exploring the issues surrounding Wabash Watershed in regard to the 1961-1990 periods, it can be argued that a lot of disparities can be detected. During the wake of 1960s the concept of global warming was not a serious issue. As the date testifies the period was in essence clean and free from massive climate changes. As is evidenced by the areas topographical consideration, the population was equally moderate. However, as the region became more and more exposed to increased human activities, the regions weather patterns assumed a new dimension which is testified by the unstable, rain and temperatures. Thus the data stands as the key indicator of climatic patterns before the effect of global warming began to be experienced. Floods, flash floods, heavy rains and animal immigrations can be said to be some of the effects of mounting rate of climatic changes. Hence, the data wrapping around the scope of maximum temperatures ranging from 1960-to-1990 exposes a trend that shows that from 1960 to 1982 began to increase considerably. This was followed by disrupted rain patterns and this is also illustrated by the unstable temperatures variations both in short and long term observations. What this shows is that the changing climatic variations are hazardous. Consider th e fact that changing temperatures may increase the instances of drought, low water levels, increases floods as well as influx of diseases and diseases resistant organisms. Therefore, the trend is in essence a negative pointer that can be attributed to global warming. Looking at the entire data presentation it can be said that the environment was gradually giving in to warming. This can be linked to the available data which indicates that in the wake of 1970s the temperatures were deep low, while the subsequent years shows the great deal of variation with an increase in temperatures. And this shows why at some point the region had the coldest season as is evidenced by the wake of January 1977. Thus, it can be established that the issue of environmental warming was affecting the climatic patterns gradually. With each impact on temperatures so did the variation took place. Hence, the scope of precipitation, moisture, moisture deficit, evapotranspiration and surface runoff took a new di mension. This can be allied to the fact that decreased moisture on the surface, low precipitation as well as increased temperatures played a role in altering the environment as well as the natural buffers that checked the abnormal climatic changes.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Climatic changes Though, some theorists envisioned that we would see a more pronounced warming of minimum temperatures than maximum temperatures. This might result in a reduced range of temperatures. This trend indicates that if global warming persisted so do the abnormal climatic changes that equally affected the natural dynamics of water retention in the atmosphere, where evaporation increased including unstable moisture deficit. In essence, the scope of differing temperature ranges indicates that the global warming is in reality playing a role in reshaping the established climatic patterns. Thu s, in regard to reduced ranges of temperatures, it is evident that the region experienced some of the harshest conditions in the wake of 1970s as well as the dawn of 1980s. More so, this paints a vivid picture of how these changes allied to fluctuating temperatures affected the range and instances of precipitation and evapotranspiration within a duration of 5 years begin from 1980s. Also the tens years range establishes that in the wake of early 60s some instances of reduced temperature ranges were witnessed. Equally, examining the gradual temperatures recorded an imminent trend observed regards an increased peak from the 1970s and is a pointer that this was the emerging common trend. Many theories that look at global warming envisage more drought and less surplus water conditions for inland or continental locations. Diverse trends in precipitation can be witnessed along the random instances of specific amount of precipitation And this could be fatal to both animal and plant life. A lso incase of low temperatures this may cause droughts as well as an increase in animal migration not to mention an increase in water in the moisture and this may cause freezing.Exploring the dynamics of global warming, we are left with two pertinent challenges, an increase in temperatures, or a drop in temperatures. In both cases drought is pertinent in some regions, it ought to be noted that an increase in temperature may result in shifting sea levels and more so causing flash rains as well as floods. Generally, what this indicates is that with escalating global and local temperature variations evaporation is expected to increase. Hence, the eventual change would entail having increased moisture which could result in more instances of fog and subsequently result in higher minimum temperatures and this would affect apposite climate for animal and plant reproduction. Therefore, the trend shows that global warming as is explained by climatic theorists could cause fatal crisis in rega rd to food security in days to come. Argument The way both maximum and minimum temperatures seem to fluctuate suggests that these changes have deep effect on global climate. In reference to actual evapotranspiration, surplus/deficit conditions and runoff/streamflow, we might expect to get more instances of drought, heavy rains, flashfloods and equally long spells of winds. This can be attributed to the global warming theory that posits that increased instances of greenhouse gases would eventually result in earth’s atmosphere being impacted.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Wabash Watershed specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The reason is minimum temperatures are increasing rapidly than global and local maximum temperatures. According to the available data this can also result in an increase in precipitation and this would be precedent by an increase in temperatures and evaporation. The clear-cut answers to the trends being witnessed can be provided by having well established policies designed to curb greenhouse emissions as well as stop massive deforestation. This would help in controlling the changing instances of temperatures. It ought to be noted that with reduced instances of greenhouses the witnessed climatic abnormalities could be checked. Also, it is crucial to note that the primary features of greenhouse gases which are water vapor, methane and carbon dioxide could be controlled by having environmental friendly greenhouses and this would entail planting more trees and using less farm chemicals which are released to the atmosphere. Basically, what this study shows in regard to carrying out studies on environmental issues like global warming is that it is essential to understand what surrounds us. Examining the data it can be stated that the study has provided a new window for human race to understand that mans survival depends on stable environment. Also it would be prudence to argue that the study shows that stable maximum and minimum temperatures plays a central role in our lives. However, with the emergence of global warming the study makes an informed proposition that global warming is one of the foremost threat to global and local climatic conditions. The study has established that global warming do affect diverse aspects of our very own survival from availability of water to food security. Thus, it would be instrumental to note that earth’s resources do considerably rely on the balance between maximum and minimum temperatures. The studies do indicate that researching on diverse aspects of the environment would be instrumental in establishing the apposite measures of tackling both natural and man-made features affecting the environment. Concerning the study on environment and is established by this research it would be also important to examine data regarding crop and animal production. Also examining the information surrounding instances o f animal migration, instances of severe drought, heat waves as well as changes in rain patterns would provide a solid insight into how climatic changes are effected by abnormal temperatures, evaporation, surface run off, as well as moisture.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The information from such observations would help in establishing critical measures of controlling global warming or any other instances affecting the temperatures. As the studies depict temperatures plays a considerable role in the manner global climate is sustained or manipulated. The proposition of this study can be correlated to the fact that global warming is major threat to both animal and plant life. This can be allied to the fact that the established changes could and will continue to impact on the environment if unchecked. Looking at the implications of the study the foremost thing is to understand that human activities are the core factors in regard to global warming. More so, as the study offers the apparent changes can be controlled and the current status be rectified. As is apparent before the wake of 1980s the global temperatures had not fluctuated as such. However, with each passing year we have noted in the provided data that moisture deficits increased as the greenh ouse emissions mounted. According to the data provided and the critical analysis of the diverse aspects of climatic changes, it obvious that setting the record straight in regard to implications of global warming is core implication of this study. It is from such observation that the future studies may be based upon in order to establish the apposite strategies of dealing with this issue or a similar one. Thus, to the environmentalist, the research has provided a new dimension of addressing climatic changes. While to the scholars and the government the study has provided a critical insight in regard to the best climatic variations can be managed to avert disasters (Adabashev,1966). The current trend which can be linked to global warming has a played a global role in creating escalating instances of food shortages as is being witnessed today in Africa. The impact of global warming can also be linked to the random flash floods being witnessed in regions surrounding the Pacific Ocean. Such issues do have a direct link to climate changes. Examining the manner food security has been compromised over the years or from the wake of 1960s, it can be alluded that climatic changes have played a central role in decreasing food production globally. When we examine the impact within the local scope it is evident Wabash Watershed has exposed instances of decreased water levels as well as high temperatures. Such instances have in certain quarters resulted in explosion of drug resistant diseases or as is with the tropics the emergency of pests resistant to pesticide. Therefore, the current trend which is predominantly linked to global warming has a critical impact on the entire scope of climate. As is evident climate changes do determine if a particular region would be inhabitable or not. A good example is the recent tsunami in Japan as well as swam attack in Chad and Niger in northern Africa. If the trends continue in their current direction, the people living within Wabash W atershed may find themselves warped in unexpected cold seasons as well as instances of extreme heat waves. This can be allied to the fact that as the temperature fluctuates so do other features allied to the environment such as water. Thus, if the trend goes unabated it is likely that in days to come the region may experience instances of dryness or equally frost. Not mention that the available results do establish that the way the region temperatures have fluctuated stability cannot be attained without considering the effects of global warming. The region is no exception, its rivers are running dry, and while the animal life stands endangered this is a pointer that anything can happen. Some of the major effect the people of this region may encounter may include loss of native and drought resistant plants. Also the instances of extreme cold as was witnessed in the wake of 1970s cannot be ruled out. On a similar note the people may face a challenge from explosion of epidemic due to d ecreased temperatures thus giving raise to the growth of disease causing organism. Also proliferation of parasites, prolonged cold and dry seasons, delayed rains, acid rains as well as increased moisture deficit are some of the people of this region may encounter if the trend persists. This can be as a result of abnormal water loss due to extreme evaporation, random precipitation as well as low forest density. Thus, the people ought to be informed and be sensitized of the dangers correlated to climate changes. As a number of scholarly have established climatic changes do alter the pace of environmental harmony and this in most instances results in catastrophe. In conclusion, climatic changes due to global warming can be destructive. As the information provided depicts, diverse environmental agents are destroyed where such are allowed to flourish. Therefore, implementing the apposite structures to deal with greenhouses emissions would be a major step in sustaining the normal level of temperatures which are suitable for normal precipitation, moisture levels as well as evaporation (Bonnett, 2008). References Adabashev, I. (1966). Global Engineering. Moscow: Progress. Bonnett, A. (2008) What is Geography? London: Sage This essay on The Wabash Watershed was written and submitted by user Alissa Cantrell to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.